Bringing Connection, Ease & Comfort

Life’s transitions can be taxing on the caregiver and patient alike. All too often a sense of helplessness from the caregiver is expressed when it comes to giving their loved one comfort. As this journey begins, let our massage therapists offer gentle touch massage or Reiki to your loved ones to provide comfort, quiet space, and a reassuring presence in some of life’s most sacred moments.

At Body Destinations we honor this most sacred space and provide therapists to travel to your home or hospice house to provide trained gentle massage, reflexology, or Reiki for comfort.

The benefits of massage during hospice care are many.

Bringing a sense of ease, connection & warmth through gentle massage, Reiki or reflexology from a specialized expert, in the comfort of home can help:

  • Reduce anxiety & depression
  • Increase relaxation & quality of sleep
  • Decrease feelings of isolation
  • Help ease nausea & fatigue
  • Help compliment pain management

Beyond touch

Our team of therapists are adept in caring for their clients during every stage of hospice care. It is a journey that requires compassion and each session is tailored to the unique needs of the client. Some sessions may include more gentle holding, re-positioning with gentle stretching (if tolerated) than tissue work. Our team excels is finding the most nourishing approach that will serve their client that day. 


For more information or to schedule a hands for hospice visit and consultation, please email us.